Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 35 July 4 144km 897m vertical. Warm and sunny, wind W. to SW moderate.

Atikokan to Shabaqua
We spent the night in the Atikokan Hotel - our best hotel so far on this trip. The hotel is old, but very well maintained. Our room had beautiful wood floors and the nicest bathroom to date. All rooms had different comforter and pillow combinations - it was more like a museum than a hotel. The food was quite good and pricey. After a hearty breakfast we hit the road at 11:00 and planned to do 120km to Shebandowan. The winds were favourable, the road went up and down all day and the scenery was interesting. Only the bugs were bad. At one stop, TimG road around in circles to avoid the mossies, while I took a picture - I’m still scratching. We tried to always stop where the wind was strong. The up and down roads today meant we had our largest vertical climb since BC and the fifth highest climbing day of the trip. We passed the Artic/Atlantic watershed today - you could be forgiven for thinking it would all be downhill after the watershed but it wasn’t. However, we managed to averaged 25.0 kph (good for us and our luggage). As our contribution to the environment today we rescued Stanley the turtle from the middle of the road and put him in a ditch. He’s not a flat Stanley yet!
Our planned destination was to have been Shebandowan Lake but the Hotel was no longer in business as such so we carried on to Shabaqua, an extra 20 km. But what’s another 20 km when you’ve already done 124.

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