Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 22nd Khechepen Lake

We arranged a tour through the countryside today. We visited a small falls and a holy lake. The small falls were small.. The lake was interesting. The entrance fee was 10 for the locals, 50 for Indian tourists, and 100 for foreign tourists. The lake was surprisingly small and almost impossible to see due to the prayer flags. I tried to find a good spot where I could photograph but it was difficult. The path to the lake led to a covered wharf into the lake and we were required to remove all shoes. The lake must be really holy The crowd at the end of the wharf was large so I joined in to get a look at the lake. The crowd was having a great time throwing food to the hundreds of large carp having a feeding frenzy. The lake wasn't all that holy.
Rimbi Falls

Prayer Flags in the rain

Pamayannngste in the fog
In the afternoon we went to the Pemayanste monastery for the second time. The day was rainy and foggy and I wanted a picture of a Sikkim temple in the mists. The weather co-operated so Joan sat on a bench out of the rain white I tried taking pictures in the mist. I took my time and several Indian tourists approached me to tell me what a patient wife I had. Joan must have told everyone she met what a slow photographer I was.

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