Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sept. 18th Auriol Trail

The trail we hiked today was a 15km loop, but we had decided yesterday to go only 4 km to the outlook. The trail was gentle for 2km and then serious uphill for 2 km. Mornings are always cold here, but today was the coldest yet.
Morning Frost
The uphill really warmed us up. Everywhere we've hiked here we carry bear spray (pepper spray). 1 can costs $50 and does 2 bears. Joan and I each carry a can. Today on our way uphill we met 2 tourists from Nova Scotia going the other way. They had planned to do the whole loop but had met a bear at the 7 km mark and turned around and came back.
Another uphill done

The end of the hike

Joan and her bear spray
We were near our destination so we carried on and ate lunch at the lookout. Joan was a little nervous and ate lunch with bear spray in one hand and a sandwich in the other. After lunch when I was taking pictures she got nervous-er and took the safety catch off her can. I was nervous-est until she put the safety back since we were stumbling over tree roots all day. We did move much quicker going downhill on the return.

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