Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monday October 14

Joan and friend

At Rest

Glass Shop
       Our hotel is close to the Monkey Forest so after breakfast we walked to the forest and joined the crowds.  The forest is a sacred forest and the terrain and the monkeys are protected.  The monkeys roam free and the humans feed them so the monkeys are very comfortable around humans.  We were warned to remove all jewellery and hats lest the monkey grab them.  Joan had a plastic bottle of water in her purse and a monkey climbed up her leg and stole it.  While she was laughing another monkey climbed over her shoulders and perched on her arm.  She looked like an animal trainer. 
            In the afternoon Joan and I went art shopping for a painting from Bali.  I have learned that negotiating is necessary but even I can’t get a $4,000 painting for a hundred dollars.  We left the first place and went to the second dealer.  We ended up with 2 paintings.  I paid $20 for my picture of Buddha and Joan paid $100 for her picture of rice fields. 
Temple detail

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