Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday September 19, 2012

Old Forge, New York to Hamilton, New York 128 KM   750m Vertical climb

Downtown Old Forge - Deer

Old Forge is a picturesque small village in the Adirondacks and its most distinctive feature is the deer roaming through the city.  They were visible last night, and this morning, as we came out of our motel room, we had 4 deer feeding on our lawn.  Nice friendly animals. 
We had a slow start this morning as we had to do the laundry first.  There were a lot of soggy clothes from yesterday.  We left Old Forge at 10:45. The road was mostly downhill and we covered the first 50 km in 2 hours.  We had a better than expected lunch at a roadside pub and hit the road again.  In preparation for the trip I had mapped the route using Goggle Maps.  So far the road has been so straightforward I have ignored the maps. In the afternoon we had to navigate around Utica and goggle maps failed us.  Because the street signs do not always match the maps (ie. route 69 instead of Oriskaney road) we didn’t know if we were lost or not so we reverted to using major highways instead of scenic byways.  We ended up at a hotel that didn’t rent rooms and had to hop on our bikes and pedal 25km to the next town that had some motels.  We arrived just at sunset.  We are in Hamilton, New York where Colgate University is situated.

Lunch Time Pub - Barneveld


White Lake - Adirondacks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing special going on over here, so I look forward to reading your blog every day. I guess you must be approaching the last kilometers for today... Have a nice evening!
Love, Tanja