Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sept. 7th: Hailey to Arco 117km 648m

Hills near Carey
We left Hailey with the wind at our backs and made good time for the first hour. Then we turned east into an easterly wind and the hard work started. We have left the mountains behind but we are still going up and down. It is haying season and the fields are green and gold. We have trucks laden with hay whizzing past us regularly with two and sometimes three trailers. We rode through the top edge of the Craters of the Moon National Monument today and stopped at the visitor centre where we sat through a ranger presentation about the origin of the park and decided to come back tomorrow to see the park properly. We rolled into Arco in good time and got a hotel room at the best hotel in town.
Arco was the first town in the world to be powered completely by atomic power. There is an experimental nuclear reactor 40km outside of town, which we will visit on our way to Idaho Falls if it is not too far off the main road. Unfortunately, Arco appears to have fallen on hard times – Main Street has several businesses boarded up and bars and restaurants are sparse. Our motel only costs $57 per night so we will stay an extra night and go back 30km to the Craters of the Moon NP tomorrow and ride around it to see all the features.

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