Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept 10th: Idaho Falls to Driggs 119km 793m

Idaho Falls
Another cold and windy day, but the wind was at our backs for the first 50km and the rain held off.  The final 60km were a bit more strenuous with a heavy crosswind most of the time, but we crossed some beautiful terrain and saw the potato fields of Idaho. Teton Valley is the largest area of seed potato management in the world As we entered the Teton Valley the mountains came into view – covered with fresh snow from the previous night.   We are in Driggs, Idaho for 2 nights because our next stop, Jackson, Wyoming is fully booked on Sat. night.    We had a few beers at the local tavern last night with Nick, a self-proclaimed conservative.  We had an enlightening conversation about gun control, Medicare, taxes, same sex-marriage and immigration.  Nick is 33 years old, unmarried and owns 6 guns.  He is a well-spoken polite young man and we wish him well.
Canyon River

Teton Valley


joan said...

Hi Tim and Tim

You are posting some amazing photos! Hope that your weather improves for the rest of your trip - you have had your share of wind and rain.
I can imagine Nick,s views on those topics - it must have been a good discussion.
Continued safe riding with the wind at your back!

Anonymous said...

komma wieda, sagt guido :-)
sieht nach viel anstrengung aus, was? tolle photos! werde morgen wieder mit radfahren anfangen, glaube ich :-))) weiterhin viel spass,lg monika und guido