Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 32, July1 67km; 76m vertical, 32°C nice and hot.

Warroad to Rainy River, Ontario
We left the campsite at Warroad at 9:30 and immediately stopped for a leisurely breakfast in Warroad. It is a pretty little town on Lake of the Woods, situated on a river that the Indians used to raid each other. Hence the name Warroad. We only planned on doing 70km, so it was a slow day. The highway to Baudette and Rainy River is labelled the flower road and had wildflowers in abundance. We lunched in Baudette and then crossed into Canada at Rainy River. I had wanted to find a Canada Day picnic with hamburgers and drinks but the only party that day was for children. However, there was a fireworks display at 10:00 (sunset). We had a hamburger at the hotel, a beer at the Legion and went to the fireworks. Happy Canada Day

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