Monday, April 29, 2019

April 27th Walk to Bhutia Busty Monastery

I tried navigating with google maps to walk to the monastery but it didn't work. I couldn't find the paths because even being off by 5 meters meant I was on the wrong road. I gave up on Google and started asking people at every intersection which way. That worked much better. The monastery is only accessible by foot and it was a 3 km walk from the hotel. It was a very foggy day with the clouds rolling in and out all day long. We were passed by a Hindu funeral lead by two people with a conch shell and a drum. It was eerie hearing them coming in the fog, but not being able to see them. The conch shell gave off an incredibly loud and piercing sound. The monastery was quiet and empty. A guard let us in and said we could take pictures. The outside was well painted but the inside was dark and somewhat plain, We spoke to the cook and he said there was only 13 students at the monastery. We took pictures and then started back. It had been downhill all the way coming. Now it was uphill for 2 km. We stopped a lot for pictures and purchases at the family stores. In the late afternoon I wandered through the bazaar taking pictures.  There will be no pictures due to bad internet.

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