Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Ajanta Caves March 9th

Entrances of the Ajunta Caves
One of the big draws of Aurangabad is the Ajunta caves. They are caves hewn out of solid rock 15 to 22 centuries ago. The caves were “lost” for a 1000 years when they were covered with dirt. They were re-discovered 200 years ago. We entered several large caves that were perfect large square rooms with large columns and a carving of Buddha on one wall and “cells” for the monks off the main rooms. It was difficult to comprehend that everything was crafted from solid rock – nothing else was used. All the engraving on the columns and walls were done in the rock.   There is some painting that was done on the walls and ceilings.  The paint has faded but because the caves were hidden some painting has survived.   All the 30 caves were done for the Buddhist religion. We spent 2 hours there and visited only 3 caves. Our guide made sure we saw the best caves first. A very impressive and well maintained sight.
Cave 1 a Buddhist Monastary

Central Statue of Buddha


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love caves!! It is hard to imagine it all being carved out of rock...
Sounds like you are seeing some pretty cool sights!