Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pune – March 14

Mother and Child

Old Woman cooking breakfast
After a leisurely breakfast we went for a walk in the streets behind the hotel. The streets were lined with small houses with doors directly onto the road. The people seem to live and work outside, with washing and cooking taking place directly on the road. Scooters go by, but the streets are dead-end and the traffic is light and slow. The people are friendly but most don't speak English.
In the afternoon we took a auto-rickshaw to the Parwati Temple. The temple sits on the top of a hill so Joan and I climbed way up. Their was a nice complex of buildings at the top and we watched the sunset behind the turret. I was hoping the temple would be lit at night, but it wasn't. We had a lot of interaction with the other people at the top. There are a lot of young Indians who visit the temples at night as a social past-time.
The Parvati Temple

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