Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 19 Kandy

Scott Pine

Joan at Botanical Gardens

The Bat Tree

We started the day with a trip to the botanical gardens. While we were walking down the first road Joan mentioned that there were bats in the gardens. Within minutes I heard the sounds of bats screeching and we found the bat colony close by. For nocturnal animals they are very active during the day with take-offs, landings and wing flapping going on all the time. They hang from the tree tops in full sunlight with their wings wrapped around themselves. I'm surprised they aren't cooked by the end of the day.
The is the original Buddha from the 1400's and never restored
Hindu Gods
After the garden we visited 3 temple in the area. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country with Hindus, Muslims and Christians in the minority. I can take pictures in Hindu temples but not in Buddhist temples. At the first temple we were sure they were partway through a renovation, but the temple man said no, everything was original and water damage was responsible for the rough parts. The temple is 650 years old. The second temple we visited was both Hindu and Buddhist. Hindus allow photography in their temple. Our guide explained the difference and cleared the path for me to photograph the Hindu gods. But he never showed us the Buddha. The third temple had a nice exterior and that was far as we got. It's main strength was the dance pavilion which we saw and that was enough for the day.

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