Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday October 14,2012

St. Augustine to Daytona Beach; 84km 57m vertical climb

Flagler College
St. Augustine from Bridge
We toured St. Augustine during the morning.  The old fort was interesting but Flagler collage was impressive.  It is a150 year old resort that is now a community collage.  Even though the building has students, it is still in good shape. The architecture throughout the town is very Spanish.  We left St. Augustine at 11:30 and took the A1A to Daytona Beach.  Although it was only 80km, it was a hard ride with the crosswind coming off the ocean all day long.  We had a brief respite when we had trees or buildings blocking the wind off the ocean.  This is my first time in Daytona Beach and my impressions 0f Daytona Beach were confirmed when I saw the cars on the beach and the cheap hotels.  We are in the Playa Hotel, which cost only $67 a night because we don’t have to pay parking fees.  My other impression of Daytona Beach as a party town were confirmed   when the waitress told me I couldn’t stop drinking because I had a free beer coming.  

On Daytona Beach
Playa Hotel - Daytona Beach



Steven said...

Hi Tims,

sorry to hear that you are struggling with side winds and free beers, but this might help:

It's been raining here the past few days, it's raining today and there's rain forecast for the next three days...

Hope the rest of the trip goes well, Steven & Katja.

Jean said...

and it's rainy here too but we are managing to enjoy ourselves. Joan has just spotted an inch of sunshine so here's hoping. Otherwise we will have to find some nice shops.
Take care.
Jean & Joan and her sisters

Anonymous said...

You can also get free beers at my apartement when you come and visit!!


nancy b said...

Hi there Tims

Good to hear that you have arrived in Florida and are enjoying the Atlantic side winds. You must both be acquiring "tan-lines" now.

Once again love the photos. Has to be uplifting to get to shoot the breeze with other bikers on the ferry.

Travel safe.

Nancy B.

joan said...

Hi Tim & Tim

We have been in Belleville - just got back and saw that you called Know you are seeing Gary and Rhonda tonight - say hi to them!
Look forward to a call tonight or tomorrow am. Have a great day tomorrow if, for some reason, we don't connect