Sunday, August 15, 2010

Prolog - The American West

Tim and Tim are about to embark on a tour of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. On Tuesday Aug 17 Tim Goodall (AKA EuroTim) will fly into Montreal. The two Tims will load the car and head to Montana for a 5 week tour of Glacier National park, Hell's Canyon, Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. We will park the car near Yellowstone and do a loop of the three states by bicycle. This is mostly mountain terrain. We are travelling without camping equipment so we can hotel it all the way. The total population of the 3 states is less than 3 million. There may be some long days.


Marion said...

Good Luck Tim & Tim, take care.

Love Marion xx

Katherine said...

Dad you overachieving Renaissance man!! You left the kitchen so clean it took me longer than 20 minutes to mess it up (fear not, I was able to do it, just took me longer than usual). Hope you've been having a good drive!

Thomas said...

Good drive, Tim and Tim.

Thomas from saxony

Anonymous said...

hoffe Ihr kommt mit heilen Knochen durch - have fun.
