Friday, August 27, 2010

Aug. 24th Fairfield to Dupuyer 85km, 600m

The landlady told us when we got up that it was down to 3°C at sun-up so we were in no rush to set off but with a cloudless sky it did warm enough for us to set off shortly after 8. This was a day when you get to see why Montana is called the Big Sky State. We did not see a cloud all day and in stark contrast to the first three days there was hardly a breath of wind and we rode the whole time over rolling hills with fantastic views of grasslands to the right and the Rockies forming the continental divide to the left. As this was a short stage we had time for plenty of photo stops and still got to Dupuyer by 3pm. This is a small town and there was nowhere open for refreshment so we had time to unload the gear, check the bikes and read for an hour before we went over to Pierre’s for dinner. We are nine miles south of a large Blackfeet Indian reservation (which we have to ride through tomorrow) and there were mostly Indians in the restaurant and this was the first time that the pair of us were able to talk to natives about their lives in the US. There are only 1 million Indians left in the USA today. It was a very interesting evening.
The forecast is for temperatures rising to 32°C everyday up to the weekend so we will get off early and I must remember the sunscreen because my left leg got burnt today.

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